Thursday 6 October 2011

Blogging Frustrations and Prairie Point Paranoia (trying to get the points to look pointier)!

Have been wasting far too much time trying to leave comments on fellow students blogs to no avail.  So just want you all to know that I'm not ignoring you all and everyone's work looks wonderful.  So for the time being I shall leave trying to comment alone then I might get more sewing done!  Meanwhile here is a picture of me and some prairie points in production.

1 comment:

  1. hi Jane..that strip of prairie points is looking very impressive! and your blog entry reminded me of the need to put in a photo..nice to "meet" you, it is good to have a face to put to a name.
    Not sure if its any help but I was having a lot of trouble adding comments to other students' blogs too, till I discovered that it worked if I had my own blog open on the computer at the same time..don't ask me why, maybe because mine is a Wordpress one, but might be worth a try if you haven't done that already.
    Shall look forward to seeing the progress of your Prairie Points, I was seeing them in my sleep when I did that chapter!
