Sunday 21 April 2013

Chapter 8 Module 2

My goodness how deceptive chapters 8 and 9 have been.  I thought great, just a bit of paper folding and I'll soon be on the final chapter and on to Module 3, how's that for a bit of naïve thinking.  I can't say I enjoyed the physical process of paper folding and at times I felt a bit stumped for imaginative ways to use the paper but it has given me time to come up with some thoughts and ideas to carry forward.

Picture Gallery Page 113
Haven't achieved much in the drawing stakes this time, but here are a few images of curled and folded leaves.

Camellia (my photo)
My Drawing of seed heads

Brassica alley (The Garden Magazine)

Unfolding leaves to reveal -  who knows?

Peeling bark from Acer (my photo)

My drawing of an unfurling leaf and grass head

My drawing of a gardenia blossom

Trilliums at RHS Rosemoor

Glorious daffs at RHS Rosemoor

Paper Folding - Page 116
Here a some of my examples of folded paper shapes. (Other than those demonstrated in the Module.  If these need to be put on the blog for City & Guilds purposes than I will.)

The process of folding paper reminded of making folded paper books (an idea for the future).
I decided to make a box shape and then cut out a spiral to wrap around the top edge.  This idea came about as a result of some ideas centred around secrets and hidden objects.

No particular thoughts other than childhood seaside windmills, curling some scraps of paper and making something to dangle.

Curling some paper around itself which reminded me of the image below

Image by Caroline Genders from "Pattern, Colour and Form - New Approaches to Creativity" Caroline Genders

Another childhood paper game where by choosing number will reveal a dare, motif or prediction

Fold a square into a triangle and fold corners in

Fold down top flaps

Open up to reveal another secret place
Just playing around with a circular piece of paper which turned into something which reminded me of a sea creature, such as a sea anemone or the cuttle fish below.

Cuttle Fish, Wikipedia
Page 117 - More Adventurous Paper Folding
Again I was surprised by how much thought had to go into this exercise.  However my thoughts continued along the secretive and hidden.

A secret pouch - "Making Handmade Books" Alisa Golden

Looking down a spiral

Curling strips

Interlinked mobeus loops

Squashed lantern shape

Upright lantern shape with alternate strips folded in and out

One lantern pushed into another

Internal view of lantern shape

Weaved brown paper - seems to have an animal shape.  I had recently been to a 'make your own straw hat' workshop were we had spent hours weaving palm leaves.

Weaved brown paper from another angle

Weaving different types of paper through painted and printed khadi paper

Diamond shapes cut into brown paper hiding and revealing decorative paper.

A small folded paper book using decorative papers



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