Sunday 28 August 2011

Module One, Chapter Three

A further image to satisfy City & Guilds

'Straight stitching with foot on'

I've really enjoyed getting down to stitching the following samples from Chapter Three of Module One, City & Guilds Level 2.  What is especially good is that I'm getting to know my sewing machine really well and I hope we continue to build a good relationship with each other.  (A bit daft talking about one's sewing machine as though it has a personality)!  So here are two samples I have stitched from Chapter Three.  Samples from Chapter Four will follow tomorrow as this has taken 2 hours to scan and put on the blog with one image being rejected twice.

Third straight stitch sample
Stitching straight lines all over.
3. These are 2 pieces side by side, the first being a sample stitched on calico.  I enjoyed doing this piece, especially as I was able to increase the colours and used some different types of thread including varigated thread.  I didn't appear to have problems with either needle or bobbin thread.   The sample alongside was stitched on a piece of Razzle Dazzle fabric (satin with ironed on transfer paint), as suggested in Chapter Three.  I used the same colour of threads as in the calico sample and seems to bring it alive.  Haven't stitched on the tree trunks yet though.

Second straight stitch sample
Stitching a diagonal grid
2. Using black felt with the same as stabilizer.  Going along the diagonal using a dark, medium and light colour.
The felt did not appear to pucker to much.  No problems with thread tensions.  Looks like tartan.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane I found my way over here from a link on Janet's blog, I'm doing the course too. I have given my sewing machines names so you're not the only 'daft' one assigning them personality :)
