Monday 29 August 2011

Module One, Chapter Four

A Further example to satisfy City & Guilds

'Experimental piece altering stitch width and length, using bright colours'

Hopefully will be able to upload four samples from this chapter.  Had fun exploring the zig zag stitch with varying widths and lengths.  It was good to try lots of different threads such as varigated and various rayon and neon colours.  In the final sample I used a 'Japan' thread which was a bit tricky as it broke a couple of times but I loved the delicate effect.  Tried using a more heavy metallic thread which was a disaster as it just got caught up in the machine and I couldn't free the material, hence the lovely hole in the bottom left hand corner.  Oh dear! 

I had some problems with bobbin and thread tensions with these exercises as I'm sure you can see.  However by playing around with the tension dials I think these problems were sorted.  My machine is a Janome Memory Craft 4900 and has an automatic tension dial for both bobbin and needle thread, by altering the dial from auto to '0' seemed to be the answer.  I discovered that the tension can alter depending on the type of material used for stitching, the stabilizer, different threads and stitches.  Anyway I hope you like the samples pictured below.

Exercise One, Chapter four
Changing stitch width

Exercise Two, Chapter Four
Changing stitch length

Exercise Three, Chapter Four
Automatic Patterns using 'Razzle Dazzle' transfer painted satin. 

Exercise Four, Chapter Four
Automatic Patterns with 'Razzle Dazzle' transfer painted satin.  Used nappy liner for the stabiliser which puckers the top fabric more.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Module One, Chapter Three

A further image to satisfy City & Guilds

'Straight stitching with foot on'

I've really enjoyed getting down to stitching the following samples from Chapter Three of Module One, City & Guilds Level 2.  What is especially good is that I'm getting to know my sewing machine really well and I hope we continue to build a good relationship with each other.  (A bit daft talking about one's sewing machine as though it has a personality)!  So here are two samples I have stitched from Chapter Three.  Samples from Chapter Four will follow tomorrow as this has taken 2 hours to scan and put on the blog with one image being rejected twice.

Third straight stitch sample
Stitching straight lines all over.
3. These are 2 pieces side by side, the first being a sample stitched on calico.  I enjoyed doing this piece, especially as I was able to increase the colours and used some different types of thread including varigated thread.  I didn't appear to have problems with either needle or bobbin thread.   The sample alongside was stitched on a piece of Razzle Dazzle fabric (satin with ironed on transfer paint), as suggested in Chapter Three.  I used the same colour of threads as in the calico sample and seems to bring it alive.  Haven't stitched on the tree trunks yet though.

Second straight stitch sample
Stitching a diagonal grid
2. Using black felt with the same as stabilizer.  Going along the diagonal using a dark, medium and light colour.
The felt did not appear to pucker to much.  No problems with thread tensions.  Looks like tartan.