Sunday 11 December 2011

Module One Chapter Eight

Lines - photos
I am trying to remember to take a camera around with me but not having been much of a picture taker in the past it requires a bit of thought and discipline on my part.  Anyway here are a few pictures of line structures.

Trees at Athelhampton House Dorset - I love the cool effect of the leaf cover, the silver grey colour of the tree trunks and the idea that all the trunks are part of a group of trees, yet each stands alone.

Block of office Windows Oslo - I Like the simplicity of this design
Helsingbourg Castle Wall Sweden - Great steely blue/grey

Helsingbourg Castle Sweden - beautiful shape
Inside the Logia at Great Dixter - inspires me to do a very natural piece of work with natural materials

Pathway section Great Dixter - Intricate and intitmate

Tree Trunk Athelhampton House Dorset - Old and mysterious and great texture.
Taking a Line for a Walk

Taking a line for a walk drawn

Taking a line for a walk stitched using free machine embroidery and hoop.

Taking a line for a dance drawn
Taking a line for a dance stitched using free machine embroidery and hoop.

Mark Making
Having gathered together several articles such as kitchen whisks, spoons, coils, nuts, seed heads I have been very disappointed with my results.  I'm afraid I got into a horrible inky mess, with ink running up and down my arms and heaven knows where, so I ended up cutting this exercise short.  I had more satisfaction from tying to make marks with a felt pen and a crayon.  Some of the marks I've made with a grass seed head remind me of Jackson Pollack, who I like a lot.
More felt tip pen marks

Using all sides of a black wax crayon

Coat of Arms
Marks using  black felt pen
More 'Jackson Pollock' using seed heads and black ink
Marks using bottle washer spiral brush and black ink
Felt tip pen marks

Marks made with black in and pastry cutter - the unintentionl blobs of ink seem to have become butterfly shaped.

This is my 'Jackson Pollock' with seed head and end of paint brush marks with black ink

Drawn emotions, anger,calm, lust, happy, sad and envy.  The more negative emotions such as anger are tighter in sytle whilst the more relaxed emotion are more open in shape.
The stitched example of the drawing above.  Free machine embroidery.  I didn't use a hoop with this as there wasn't enough space to move the fabric around with a hoop. 

I'm not sure what emotions are expressed in the examples you have stitched on page 72, however the first set of stitching is close and tight so could be anger or another strong negative emotion.  The second sample is more open in structure, but also angular, so could be angry again or maybe sad.

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