Wednesday 1 October 2014

Module 3 Chapter Six

Design Development - page 51 Module 3

Below are my initial designs to use in this counterchange exercise.  The inspiration for the design shapes came from a Tree of Life design for the curly shapes and a star fish design for the straight shapes.  I decided to use the curly shapes throughout the whole exercise as I found the straight shapes difficult to organise into an original design, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to use the straight shape design at another time.
Tree of Life inspiration
Star fish inspiration
Final design

I tried to use black cartridge paper and a craft knife to cut out the shapes but could not manage to get good crisp lines.  So I resorted to a black felt pen.

Selected final design using a black pen to determine counterchange. 

Stitched counterchange - page 53 Module 3
My first idea of interpreting counterchange was to use smooth and rough surfaces.  The purple thread has been stitched with granite stitch on the reverse (by accident) and a metallic cable stitch to provide a rough raised surface.
The idea below was to use complimentary colours (purple and green, although these colours are not exactly opposite on the colour wheel) as one way to interpret counterchange for designThe design has been stitched with granite stitch on red felt and has a smooth surface.
Using complimentary colours to distinguish counterchange.
A third idea below was to embroider a square of velvet with automatic stitches using metallic thread to further embellish the velvet.  The design shapes were then cut from the embroidered felt and appliqued to the background fabric of painted Bondaweb on cotton fabric. The felt has given a raised surface to the background fabric and interprets counterchange in another way.

The cut outs from the felt below used as a counter change design.

Original felt cut outs appliqued to background fabric.

Block Design, Square blocks - page 54/55 Module 3
Ah!  The classic mistake of not reversing the Stitch and Tear stabiliser so the stitched result is back to front never mind.  I left the curly line on the top right  out of the design as it was too much in a small box.
Diamond Blocks - page 55/56 of Module 3
A small block designed within a diamond shape and then traced in remaining 3 small blocks.  The design next to it has been coloured using a black pen to illustrate counter change.  There are some very interesting shapes but too complicated to stitch.
Extending counter change ideas - page 56/57 Module 3
The image below is an idea from the small block design in which some lines have been left out.  It has been stitched on white felt using granite stich and black thread.

Simplify and Stitch - page 59 Module 3

One of my original small block designs with a simplified design below

Small block design

Simplified design
This was the final design (below) stitched on space dyed felt and stitched with multi coloured metallic thread.  I simplified the design a little further to make the stitching easier.  However I think the first simplified design is more interesting.