Saturday 31 August 2013

Module 3 - Chapter One

Creating Backgrounds
Stitched Backgrounds - Page 6
The colours suggest working from dark to light from the depth of the door colour to the silvery pink highlights on the paintwork.  Matching the colours with the transfer paints was not completely successful, however I matched the threads as best I could.  I used a white felt for a stabiliser as it helped move the satin through the free machine embroidery process.  I used a zig zag stitch changing the width and length accordingly to help fill the space and add texture and highlights.
I worked from dark, through to medium and finally light tones as I had with the colouring and the painting.  As I stitched I couldn't imagine how it was going to work out, even with a plan, but gradually it began to take shape.  I found the planning process very helpful in guiding me through this exercise.  I found using colour as the plan much more helpful than drawing. 

Colour Inspiration Image - Creative
'Detail of a Gypsy Caravan' by Muppet K  used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Pencil draft and transfer paints

Fabric with transfer paint applied. I couldn't quite replicate the colours from the coloured pencils.

Chosen threads

Dark tone stitches

Stitching the medium tones
Final piece after stitching highlights
Second Stitched Background - Page 12 
I looked through some patchwork blocks and African motifs for this exercise.  I particularly liked the Seminole pattern used in many forms of patchwork.  This design is named after the Seminole native Americans who use this patchwork design in much of their clothing and textiles.  
The final pattern came from playing around with the shapes and mirroring the layers of pattern to create a 3D effect.  Using graph paper to draw the final design helped with the accuracy of the 3D structure.

This has been stitched on black felt using chiefly cable stitch in orange and outlined with further cable stitch.  Straight stitching has been used to mark the pattern within the cable stitching.  Presser foot has been used throughout. 
I love the 3D effect, and turning the work to landscape gives a different effect too.
Automatic patterns - Page 13
Automatic stitches have been stitched layer upon layer on these silk velvet pieces of fabric.  I think it further enriches the appearance of the velvet.
What if - stitched backgrounds
Sinamay stitched and manipulated
Sisoflor with automatic stitches.  This is a lovely paper to stitch, very delicate and like gossamer.  I didn't paint it as it was already coloured a delicate lavender.
Some scrim with layers of automatic zig zag stitches
Sheers - strips
Page 14
Some colour ideas from a folk art book for inspiration for sheers below.
Sheers applied to black felt prior to applying heat.  Much nicer than the outcome below!
Oh dear, I think I need more practise with the heat gun, not such a successful outcome - never mind.  
Sheers - snippets
Page 15
Sheer snippets sandwiched between 2 sheer layers and fixed with Bondaweb
Fabric Snippets - Page 16
I think the black fabric snippets have created a very interesting background an almost ready piece of art!  I got to thinking that different photographic images could be printed on fabric and cut up and stitched in a similar way.  Examples could be buildings, faces, family, animals, plants etc.
Angelina - Page 16
Angelina fibres have been hot fixed to the black felt below.  I think this is my least favourite background although the effect reminds me of a picture of outer space!


Painted fusible webbing/transfer adhesive
Page 17
I think this process is very interesting and creates a beautiful subtle surface, although the lines of straight stitching below would look better a little close together.  I chose a vibrant orange batik which helped to give another dimension to the background. I used violet and gold acrylic paint applied to Bondaweb and then peeled off and applied to the material.

Printed and Stitched Background
Page 18
I looked through a book of patchwork blocks for a simple form and chose a sailboat piecing idea to create my stamp. They look like angels and it gave me an idea to create some little shapes for Christmas cards (if I've got time!)

I have used hand dyed felt and applied the print with blue, yellow and gold acrylic paint. Some images have been overprinted with another colour as I think it adds to the texture.  I have used mainly zig zag stitch varying the width and length with machine foot on throughout.