Monday 9 April 2012

Module Two - Chapter Three

At long last I have finished Chapter Three of this Module.  I have had two big hold ups. The first being is that I didn't realise how to alter the bobbin tension from the bobbin case.  I thought it could only be altered from the tension dial on top of my machine.  However, after looking through books and the internet finally managed to work it out.  As a result some stitches aren't as 'loopy' as they could be.  The second big hold up has been a form of 'writers block' with the final exercise.  I think this may have come about through not having any inspiring background material to work from.  I could find plenty of lovely shapes in my photograph collection but I couldn't transfer ideas onto my uninspiring material. 

Despite the above I have really enjoyed this chapter and have become very initimate with the workings of my sewing machine.  I think I may have to get another bobbin case though.  Since I've been loosening it, the normal tension does not seem so good.  I think I might use one case for this kind of work and keep another bobbin case for normal tension.

Below are some photos of shapes and forms that I took at Mottisfont Abbey during March.
Some little fairy must live in the 'door way' in this fab tree.

Such a pleasing simple shape and lovely wall

Strange shapes on the ends of these branches, but they are lovely.

Vermicelli Stitch - Page 47 Module 2

Zigzag Vermicelli Stitch - Page 49 of Module 2
Altering stitch length and width on felt

Granite Stitch - Page 50 of Module 2

Whip Stitch - Page 52 of Module 2

Feather Stitch - Page 53 of Module 2
I didn't realise that the bobbin tension could be altered by turning the screw on the bobbin case, so the stitches are rather tight

Having worked out how to loosen the bobbin tension I was able to alter the bobbin tension to create small and large feather stitches.

Moss Stitch - Page 54 of Module 2

It was good to learn this technique of cutting through the loops to create a fluffy texture.  This stitch could be used to create the lichen pictured below.

Photo of lichen on tree at RHS Rosemore Devon taken by me.  This would be wonderful to stitch.

Using the Stitches - Page 55 of Module 2
I can't explain why but I have had a real problem coming up with any ideas for the final part of the chapter.  I think I've been thinking about this bit of work for 3 or 4 weeks and kept coming up against a brick wall.  Part of the problem has been not having any inspiring  background material despite many searches on the internet.  I shall just have to get felting myself! 

Just want to add that the poor old squash on the right went skew whiff as I bumped into the frame.  Very frustrating.  I should have used horizontal stitches for the squashes to stand on.